Secret City

Secret City is a documentary series about how the military industrial complex has shaped the region of San Diego. Using the process of facial-motion capture with interviewees, Apodaca creates surreal animations, bringing the city life.

While San Diego is known for its beaches, weather and vacationing, most people do not know that it is the most militarized metropolitan region in the world. Each episode sources stories from a variety of people including activists, shipyard union workers, academics, veterans, city officials, private military contractors, economic specialists and refugees. Each episode will investigate one of the following aspects of the military in San Diego: geopolitics, political activism and privatization. While the audience witnesses the region’s pleasant weather and tourism, they now learn here how these forces serve as the narrative’s antagonist working against our collective ability to learn the truth of how San Diego is insinuated into the history U.S. imperialism.

By exploring histories from a selection of local economic, educational and cultural institutions through the last century, SECRET CITY postulates a city which expose its citizens to its vast network of military operations, usually concealed beneath its facade of laissez faire lifestyle. By synthesizing nonfiction with special effects, performance and documentary, SECRET CITY will straddle the line between reality and fantasy, creating a true hybrid that highlights these characteristics in San Diego.

PROJECT TYPE Documentary Series (Short Form)

DIRECTOR Evan Apodaca
PRODUCER Jacquelynne Le